Ok, what kid didn’t botch the hell out of their Joes back in the day trying to make the super trooper of figures? I made a few when I was young, My Brother josh had a million parts and was like Dr. Frankenstein with his Joes, and my brother Jake, well, he would just bash his Joes with rocks and patch em back together, I can remember Beach head had a fate like that.
But as Joe collectors get older they decide to at least from the forums, make better detailed Joes. I’ve seen some ‘off the hook’ customs that blow my mind. I am not that skilled, so when I had an extra Thunder and Clutch figure, I decided to do the easy rout and just swap heads. Creating the below Thunder in Desert gear. Joes weren’t all to desert styled back in the early years. We had maybe two desert camoed figures up until 1985 with Dusty. Or was that 86. But any how we had the Clutch figure that came with the VAMP Mark II, and we had Grunt, who came in what looked like desert fatigues flying the Falcon Glider. These two made up any desert force I had, not that Deserts were all to prominent in the marsh lands of the South shore of Mass.
So, here in Texas, years later I display to you my Desert team of old days, The VAMP Mark II (traded at some point with my good friend Josh) and the three desert troops. Clutch, Thunder and Grunt.
VAMP Mark II Stops for refuel on patrol in Texas.
Grunt Talks to Thunder!
Clutch checks his Jeep.
Grunt bids farewell.
NEXT, my first 25th Anniversary displayed set. I am one of those Joe collectors that by passed the sets that weren’t anything like our Joes of old. This collection changed my mind, and it is sad that the 25th anniversary is stopping for the HORRID Movie figures. Don’t even get me started on Cobra commander from the film……
SO, without further addue, I give you my Python patrol force coming up some river in East Texas for an assault on some weapons facility. The vehicles from the series although almost spitting image to the vehicles of old, just like the figures, are still enough different that they add an awesome flair to a series loved by fans!!!
Python Patrol on the hunt!
Python Patrol Moves!!!
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