Monday, May 18, 2009

MICRO Joes!!!

Where was I? Oh yeah, GI Joe's....

Some where about when I stopped collecting GI Joe's back in 1992, either because the figures were becoming neon, or I just was finding other things to do like whore and drink, (joking - on the whoring part) Hasbro started putting micro figures in with the regular Joe's as a bonus. I had only one back in the day and that was Snake Eyes. Now some where in a massive bag of army men no doubt still in my Parents attic. These how ever I found when I was able to snag the entire set from a fellow collector. I was also able to snag the vehicle lot, Which I was told were Walmart exclusives?!?!?

Vehicles Left to Right off the top of my head... MOBAT, Warthog, Snow Cat, AWE Striker, Troop Carrier, VAMP II, Pulverizer, and the Awesome HISS.

Either way they are a cool part of Joe history. They came from Hasbro with a File Card poster and I recall a small comic packaged with the figures talking about how Evil Destro Micronized the Joe's. Either way these were not even a quarter of the size of the Regular figs and were basically just a stand there in your pose style of figure.

"Are you my big brother?"

The Joe's of course overwhelmed the Cobra's in numbers, because they were cheap like that and could never fight fair... I mean uhhhh.....

Top Left to right again off the top of my head, Rock N Roll (which is funny he was molded with the gun Repeater was packaged with) Grunt, Snake Eyes, Beach Head, Flint, Wet Suit, Duke.

Bottom Left to Right, Gung Ho, road Block, Bazooka, Sgt Slaughter, Hawk and of course half naked Quick Kick.

and then of course the sad poor Cobra's.

Left to Right, Crimson Guard, Cobra Soldier, Cobra Commander, Major Blood, Buzzer, Destro, and the BAT.

These are the only one's I know that they made. If any others were they weren't released in the US. A Pretty cool novelty of Joedom for any Joe fan out there!!


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