Wednesday, October 24, 2007

GI Joe Dioramas. Part 7.

And last but not least, My last Dio done in Vermont in Burlington, this is of Cobra's Python patrol, I know a lot of people think that when the yellow colors of Python patrol were released it was the end of Joes as we knew it….. I agree that if you look at Joes as a military force the yellow accents have no military attributes what so ever…. But with imagination (which you need for all Joes) you can make something up for the lack of 'real life camouflage' for this team. I'm still trying to think of one for these guys… But hey I love em and in My Cobra roster they are an elite team of Cobra recon troops. Taking the best of the best from the Viper forces, Cobra Soldier forces, The Cobra Navy (Python Copperhead) and the Crimson guard and Tele vipers, and place a Crimson Guard General in charge of them (my Acquisition of A Brazilian Crimson Guardsman from my Bro DRuss) You have my 'behind enemy lines – recon troopers' They insert them into enemy territory's to operate as a basic Night force. Sent in to do recon, assault on targets of opportunity, and assassination, they are a force to be reckoned with.
The shots below consist of A shot of them coming and going on a python Stun on training maneuvers.

A shot of Python Commander giving instructions of the next training exercise.
And a shot of Python Squad looking on,


Alex said...

Make more G.I.Joe dio`s pls.

King. said...

Soon enough!! Keep an eye out!! :)